Makoto Masuda

  • Machine Design Division
  • Joined M DRAFT in 2012

Interview 02

No Experience Necessary,
Just a Desire to Learn

A diverse array of machines make our lives more convenient, even as they sit hidden in the tapestry of everyday life.

While researching companies, I learned of the foundation of machines: machine design. I was interested in what kinds of processes had to occur to create a single machine, and that is what led me to make an inquiry to M DRAFT.

When they showed me what the actual job entailed, I was fascinated by the creation of drawings using CAD, and decided then and there that I wanted to become an engineer. I had absolutely no experience, but I summoned my desire and set out to start as a design assistant.

I started by designing drawings of elementary components, and gradually became more interested in design as I learned where each component goes to create all the different kinds of machines.

I became who I am today thanks to an environment where a desire to learn is encouraged.


The Personal Development Environment at M DRAFT

One of the appealing things about M DRAFT is that its corporate environment encourages personal development.

For example, even a brand-new, first-year employee can choose to try whatever kinds of tasks interest them. By the end of my first year, I was assigned a project as a machine designer.

My task was to design semiconductor carrier equipment, and I received help from those around me as I led my first project. I continue to improve in this area even now.

In my second year, I went to Vietnam with one of my superiors to participate in training for finding new markets. I was very nervous, as the list of participants included well-known executives from widely renowned companies, but I was able to go on tours of local factories, talk business through interpreters, and exchange information with various participants. It was an extremely valuable experience.

The fact that I was entrusted with such an important role in my second year since joining the company speaks to the flexible corporate culture of M DRAFT.

The company has fostered an environment where anyone who has a positive attitude toward learning can greatly increase the possibilities available to them.

The Pitfalls of Overconfidence,
the Depth of Machine Design

In my fourth year with M DRAFT, I was full of pride that I was already a full-fledged machine designer. Then, I stumbled over a major hurdle.

I juggled three or four projects simultaneously, and lost my composure. My proposals resulted in malfunctions or were physically impossible to assemble, and I continued to make mistakes.

I was eventually able to finish all the drawings and complete the projects without losing the client’s trust, but I became deeply discouraged as I realized how much further I had to develop.

The field of machine design is one of immense depth. Even someone with 10 to 15 years of experience cannot call themselves a full-fledged machine designer. However, the difficulty of the job makes it all the more fulfilling.

Projects with content we have not handled before are especially challenging, and it is difficult to expand on our ideas and make them into something we can work with. However, nothing is better than the feeling of achievement you get when your carefully considered ideas are used, and the final product works as designed.

My goal for the immediate future is to hone my design technique using 3D CAD so that I can make the design of any machine easily understandable for anyone.


A Message to Those Considering Applying for the Job

The deeper you get into machine design, the deeper it goes. There are new discoveries every day, and the job is highly fulfilling for inexperienced and experienced engineers alike.

When working on completely new projects, it is very common to run into unexpected difficulties in the brainstorming stage. Every time that happens, we come together as a company to face down the difficulty. Come join us in our earnest efforts to do the work of machine design.

At M DRAFT, you will feel yourself growing by the day.

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Assistant Manager, Machine Design Division

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